My engraved narrative work suggests a view into other worlds with anthropomorphised creatures. Reversing the human relationships with animals playfully scrutinises the dynamic, through typical habits and traditions. The enchanting optical properties of glass are exploited, through a combination of hot and cold-working techniques, to create vessels that permeate alternative mythical worlds. Viewpoints are formed through lenses, cuts and openings in the glass, forcing the viewer to observe from various angles. Humorously the engravings, wheel and drill, tease at conventional ethical issues as well as mundane everyday habits.
My engraved narrative work suggests a view into other worlds with anthropomorphised creatures. Reversing the human relationships with animals playfully scrutinises the dynamic, through typical habits and traditions. The enchanting optical properties of glass are exploited, through a combination of hot and cold-working techniques, to create vessels that breach alternative mythical worlds. Viewpoints are formed through lenses, cuts and openings in the glass, forcing the viewer to observe from several angles. Humorously the engravings, wheel and drill, tease at conventional ethical issues as well as mundane everyday habits.
Swedish overlay with deep cut curves.
The work Dressed to Kill spotlights high fashion ideals at the expensive of others. Inspired by “The Gucci mink pimp” Conor McG An estimated 200,000 mink are killed every year on Ireland’s 3 remaining fur farms. Kept in small filthy cages, these natural wild animals are incapable of expressing their normal behaviours especially without access to water. Typically 20 mink pelts are required to produce a full-length fur coat. Maybe human flesh coats are popular among the affluent mink community?
My engraved narrative work suggests a view into other worlds with anthropomorphised creatures. Reversing the human relationships with animals playfully scrutinises the dynamic, through typical habits and traditions. The enchanting optical properties of glass are exploited, through a combination of hot and cold-working techniques, to create vessels that breach alternative mythical worlds. Viewpoints are formed through lenses, cuts and openings in the glass, forcing the viewer to observe from several angles. Humorously the engravings, wheel and drill, tease at conventional ethical issues as well as mundane everyday habits.